Bringing Parliament into Disrepute - No-one Does It Better Than Parliament!

By Davidduff

Apologies for my absence yesterday but an exceedingly busy morning was followed by almost terminal inertia in the afternoon and evening.  It was one of those rare moments when I simply could not bring myself to write anything not least because had I attempted to pass on such thoughts as I had this blog might have been sued under the Obscene Publications Act - if such a thing exists any more. So, there I was, slumped in front of the 'telly', with nothing better to do than switch on to my mate Rupe's usually excellent news service and what did I get? Nothing but non-stop, live coverage of the parliamentary committee  'investigating' the energy market.  What a total, complete, utter waste of oxygen the whole thing was! 

I remember, vaguely, years ago the debate on whether or not parliament should be televised.  One or two old Tory codgers opposed the idea on the grounds that it would bring parliament into disrepute.  Naturally, they were given pelters and told firmly that they were antediluvian relics but how right they were.  Anyone who watched that collection of dimwits and dunces attempting (at vast expense) to investigate the energy market might have entertained the suspicion that Churchill was wrong when he said that although democracy was imperfect it was better than anything else on offer.  Yesterday, not for the first time, I admit, I came to the conclusion that the only thing likely to save this country was dictatorial rule, er, by me, that is!

There were two pleb MPs who insisted on reciting slogans rather than eliciting any useful information from the energy company bosses who faced them.  One was a hugely fat Jock who, if they could let the hot air out of him, would cut gas prices overnight! The boss from British Gas was eying him somewhat speculatively!  Then there was an almost indecipherable Geordie who kept repeating something like 'ee, aye, awa' the lads', or it might have been 'ma peeple are starvin' and canna pay their heat'n' bills' which, he implied, was all the fault of the hard-hearted Tories despite the fact that it was his leader who introduced much of the Greenery rules and regs that adds nearly 20% to everyone's energy bills.  The point was made by one of the energy bosses that this extra 20% was slapped on everyone irrespective of their financial means, in other words, it was the equivalent of a poll tax.  At the mention of that several Tory MPs stiffened in their seats!  How typical of politicians to swallow whole the batty nonsense of carbon emissions and global warming but to lack the guts to add the costs onto general taxation where any increase has to be justified to the voters and instead to hide it away using the energy companies as tax collecters - and then berate them for raising their prices!

Mind you, the politicians were only as thick as their electors judging by the stupendously stupid opinions of various 'vox pop' interviews undertaken by Sky News.  Listening to their inane gibberish I was left wondering how they manage to dress themselves in the morning!  I don't suppose any of them saw the highly intelligent lady from San Francisco who appeared on the Jeff Randall show later in the evening - too busy watching East Enders, I supppose!  She was an energy analyst and she explained what happened in California a few years ago when the State government 'did a Miliband' and froze energy prices with the absolutely predictable result that later on California suffered a constant stream of blackouts.  As she put it, if you are a yoghurt maker and seller and the government freezes your prices but the cost of milk goes up - you go broke and the supply of yoghurt stops!  Now what is it about that analogy that the university-educated Mr. Miliband doesn't understand?  Or does he understand it and simply doesn't care because he knows the depths of stupidity in which the Great British Public is mired and the sort of economic blx that he proposes might just win him an election?  I don't know but what I do know is that the average British Member of Parliament couldn't find his dick in a whorehouse!