Bring on the Greenhouse!

By Chooksandroots @chooksandroots

The preparations for ‘Operation Greenhouse’ skidded to a final flurry of actvity. Our ‘man what can’ got the base finished, the raised bed in and barrowed all the stones down. It was all a bit manic as we were going away on hols the day after (that’s me and my family – not me and our man!), so in between packing, tidying, collecting currency and the like, I was overseeing the workmanship and nipping off to the bank.

I ordered the greenhouse yesterday. How exciting! It’s the one I’ve had my eye on all along – a Billy-Oh 8×6 wooden one.  I was going to include a link but it’s disappeared off the website… should I be worried??

The credit card groaned a bit, but I’m sure it will get over it. I’ve worked out that taking all the work and the price of the greenhouse into consideration, my tomatoes will be about on par with the price of gold. We will have to eat them slowly…

All ready for the greenhouse!