Bring It On Breaking Dawn!

By Vixenmade @vixenMade
So anyone who's a fan of Twilight is already FULLY aware of the excitement of this week.  On Friday, November 16th the final installment of the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn Part 2, hits theatres.  Oh yes.  I'm happy to announce our 'date night' will be late Wednesday night for the midnight viewing of the movie.  

Yeah.  Hard core.  
And you heard right, the hubby is getting dragged along.  Technically, no.  He enjoys the movies (and even read the books!).  It's great being able to bond with him about the saga... oh who am I kidding.  I'm blabbing his ear off about it and he just nods and smiles.  Ah well.  A girl can dream.  Ha!

Moving on.

So, myself and a crew of fabulous bloggers have put together a Breaking Dawn blog party a.k.a CGI Renesmee party time.  Thanks to Marissa from Rae Gun Ramblings who's made it all possible.

 Breaking Dawn Party Peeps The Reading FeverVixen Made ● Truly Lovely ● Funky Polka Dot Giraffe Housewife EclecticLizy BSew DeliciousRae Gun Ramblings Today I'm sharing something oh so convenient for my fellow Twilight readers.
A Twilight bookmark!

Here's what you need:  
fabric (I used scrap fabric that had a 'twilight theme' to them.  Black and white damask, red, red/white checks, etc)
red ribbon
fusible interfacing

First off, measure and cut the two sides of your bookmark.  I went with 2.5 inch by 8 inch.  A damask for one side, and the red check for the other side (I was going for the chess board look for Breaking Dawn.. ).

Then find an image of an apple to print and trace.  I sketched mine out.  But if you can't, just google 'apple appliques' to find one.  The apple is supposed to signify the Twilight book.

After cutting out your shape, trace and cut it out the shape with some heat n bond.

Use the instructions on your heat n bond and adhere it to your apple piece.

Press it onto the bottom of your bookmark piece.

Next cut a piece of ribbon.  Mine was about 10 inches long.

Start pinning the piece on to mimic the Eclipse book.

Once you reach the top, loop the ribbon around and pin in place.

Sew your ribbon and apple on.  

Then get your interfacing and fuse it onto your fabric piece (this is to give it some sturdiness).

Trim off your excesses.

Then pin the end of your ribbon like so.

Now place your bookmark pieces together and pin (I used clips only because the damask fabric is vinyl.

Sew around the perimeter of your bookmark using a zigzag stitch.

And you are done!

Did anyone else read Breaking Dawn again for the movie release?

Thanks so much for joining me today!  Have a fabulous day.
I link up here!