BRIGHTS + WHITES: Pick-Me-Up Spaces

By Erika Brechtel @smallshopstudio

Under the weather, in need of some happy shiny

Well wouldn’t you know, after several work-busy weeks and a family-hosting weekend, I got sick. So although my post today is a bit short, it’s much needed for my own health because I saw this house on Peony Park and I suddenly perked up. Pops of color against a bright white canvas are just what the doctor ordered.

And then Gabrielle at Savvy Home had to go and post this board — I loved it so much I printed it out, and have been staring at it since!

So what IS it about these images specifically that are speaking to me? I don’t really need to know, I just need more of it.

OK back to bed I go…but this helped. ;o)

p.s. Anyone know the $$ of the John Derian pouf from Gabrielle’s board above?