‘Bright Ideas’ Book Teaches How to Bring Your Dream Idea to Life

Posted on the 18 October 2012 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Thanks to Kickstarter, thousands of new inventors were born to this world and they made their ideas a reality by connecting with other people. But still there are a lot more people out there who still doesn’t have any resources or knowledge to bring out their bright ideas to life. Sadly, most of them don’t even know how to properly crowdfund a project.

Two new inventors, Matthew and Mark McLachlan also thought about this issue. And they’ve decided to make a compilation of information to help these new inventors, a guide on how to successfully crowdfund a project, named ‘Bright Ideas’.

‘Bright Ideas’ is a high-quality book that is dubbed as “A Crowdfunding Almanac” . This book guides you from the basics of crowdfunding to expert advice from creators of popular Kickstarter projects and courses that covers major processes involved in the area including plastic injection molding, CNC machining and patent filing. This book also has a large directory of experts from many different fields to quickly find more advises and help.

Creators of the  ’Bright Ideas’ book Matthew and Mark McLachlan claims that if you’re ‘equipped with this book ,you will be well on your way’ to bring your new ideas to life. If you are an inventor, or someone who’s willing learn about crowdfunding, this book will be a great source of information.

Head over to Kickstarter to check out this project and get a copy of the book.

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Roshan Jerad Perera