{Bright Idea Thursday} Doily Love

By Laylamayville @laylamayville
Don't you just love doilies? There are so many options and fun ways to use them. They are NOT just for your granny anymore! There are the paper ones or hand crocheted ones. You can use them to decorate a cake, add to your table setting as a runner, or put under a plate for place settings, and maybe even have a calligrapher put your guests name on the place setting. You can use them for invitations, wrapping presents, or use as a texture for molding clay dishes. Plus they are great for any occasion! Source: cake 1, cake 2, cake 3, table runner 1, table runner 2, table runner 3, menu, invitation, envelope, doily favor bags, etsy doily pom, crowns, doily jars, doily umbrellas, doily donuts, doily tussy mussy, diy doily 1, doily bunting, diy doily2, doily wrapping 1, doily wrapping 2, doily wrapping 3, doily wrapping 4, doily wrapping 5, diy doily valentines