Bridget Riley Gets The Mad Men Treatment

By Arfully Yours
But we already knew that.  A few days ago, a nice reader forwarded an article confirming my initial suspicions about one Roger Sterling's office artwork. Appearing in the L.A Times the article, Set Pieces: 'Mad Men' Gets The David Weidman Memo, confirms that the big—now iconic—piece is indeed a Bridget Riley inspired piece.

— by David A. Keeps for the LA Times

The article by David A. Keeps also sheds light on two paintings inside Peggy's office. Both pieces are by the Artist David Weidman, an LA artist whose little known work has enough whimsy to last a lifetime. But that seems natural, as he began his career as an animator for Hanna Barbara. The pieces are titled The Girls (Left), and Flowers II (Right).Thanks for the tip Margaret. And expect more mad artful highlights to come!
[Earlier: Mad Men: Optical Illusions]
[Related: The Mad Artful 60's,  Mad Men Namechecks Andy Warhol, Finally!]
Images via: LA Times, Set Pieces: 'Mad Men' Gets The David Weidman Memo