Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy, Helen Fielding.

By Aworldfullofprettiness
At the beginning of the year I made a NY resolution in regards to reading, and that was read 1 book per month. Most of you will think that's more than achievable, but being someone that only reads just before she goes to sleep, its safe to say I never get too deep into a book before it's dropping on my face through tiredness (and yes, I have done that before, it sure did wake me up!).  A few weeks ago I jetted off for some Autumn sunshine in Tenerife, so grabbed this book as a last minute chance to provide myself with some entertainment whilst traveling. (I'm so glad I did as well because me and my boyfriend got split up on the plane, so having a book to bury your head in always seems to offer comfort!).

source: google image

This book is full of typical chick lit themes - jobs, men, flirtatious texts, online dating, sleeping together, and being left wandering where you stand! As always, the book was wrote as a diary, each entry beginning with different statistics. At the beginning of the book Bridget was tracking her twitter followers, which she very quickly became obsessed with. Alongside this she always tracked her weight. As the book developed, she began to track other aspects of her life, such as how many texts she had exchanged with her toy boy... a lot of it made me chuckle inside as I could relate to her at points in my life (not to the point of tracking but more thought process!).  I really enjoyed reading this, it had a few 'laugh out loud' moments (literally) which is a rarity for me (got a strange sense of humour!), and the way in which the story was written really helped you to envisage the character saying everything that was included in the book.  It had suspense built within which is always a must with me.. I need something to keep me on my toes and eager to read more, and this book definitely had that.  The chapters were pretty short which made it easy to put down and pick up where you left off if you just wanted a quick time killer.  The characters were all loveable in their own right - Bridget's youngest daughter was adorable through the way in which she spoke - her childlike speech was highlighted through mis-spelt words, which helped us to imagine her pronunciation. Blurb... "What do you do when a girlfriend's 60th birthday party is the same day as your boyfriend's 30th? Is it wrong to lie about your age when online dating? Is it morally wrong to have a blow-dry when one of your children has head lice? Does the Dalai Lama actually tweet or is it his assistant? Is technology now the fifth element? Or is that wood? Is sleeping with someone after 2 dates and 6 weeks of texting the same as getting married after 2 meetings and 6 months of letter writing in Jane Austen's day? Pondering these, and other modern dilemmas, Bridget Jones stumbles through the challenges of single-motherhood, tweeting, texting and redisovering her sexuality in what SOME people rudely and outdatedly call 'middle age'. (Taken from Amazon) Definitely recommend this book for a light-hearted read! Have you got any chick lits that you would recommend? I'm starting to look for christmas themed ones so fire them my way!