Bridget Beari Color Rule #53

By Bridgetbeari @Bridgetbeari

Bridget Beari Color Rule: 

Using Purple/Grey As Neutrals
These colors are perfect for using as a base in neutral room. Strong purples and grays work well together but a soft color can acts as a white.  
In the room below the soft lavender walls mixed with cream furniture is just enough to give a delightful contrast but subtle enough to keep the tones of the room even and calm. 
photo from Martha
Try these soft lavenders from Bridget Beari Colors like Lewis No. 14

You can also create a neutral room with shades of purple. A deeper purple wall works well with other shades of purple mixed within the room. 
photo from House Beautiful
Try Sydney No.15 for this look. 

Again grays are a perfect match with lavender walls. Here's a great example from Courtney Giles Interiors. The key to picking this colors is searching for purples that have more white in them for more reflection and less pigment. The soft glimmer of color will shine once the room is filled with fabrics of complementary colors. 

Check out all the Bridget Beari Colors!

Tip: Here's a great tip from the Mom Outnumbered Blog on how to remove scratches from porcelain plates and dishes. 

Use Bar Keepers Friend and a little elbow grease and viola - scratches are gone! 

Happy Painting ..........