Bridal Shower: Themes & Favours by Fascinating Diamonds

By Macrogers

Bridal Shower

A bridal shower is a gift-giving party organised for the would-be-bride in anticipation of her wedding. This custom originated in the 1890s and today is the most common tradition in the United States, Canada, and also Australia. The history of the custom is embedded in the concept to provide possessions and financial assistance to ensure the wedding takes place rather than providing for the goods for the upcoming wedded home.

Customarily, hosting the bridal shower is the responsibility of one or more close friends of the bride, often one or more of the bridesmaids. No close family members, mother or sisters of the bride host the bridal shower, as it is considered impolite for the family to ask for gifts and presents for their own bride-to-be. Infact, the Maid of Honour, Bridesmaids or close friends, host the bridal shower ceremony to celebrate the upcoming wedding.

Fascinating Diamonds shares a five best ideas and themes to make the ‘Bridal Shower’, one of the most memorable and cherished days in the bride’s life.

1.  Colour Inspired Theme

Plan a shower theme depending on the bride’s favorite color. Every element comprising the bridal shower – decorations, food, and favors should be inspired by the color palette.

2.  Alphabet Shower Theme

Make arrangements for the bridal shower inspired by the letters of the bride-to-be’s name. The perception of the alphabet shower theme was established with the invitation. Create a strip of ivory paper with the letters of the bride’s name (first, middle, and last) and assign each guest with a letter, instructing them to bring a shower gift starting with that alphabet.

3.  Candy Shower Theme

Arrange for a bridal shower that is as sweet as a candy. This theme is so much fun and perfect as guess there’s hardly anyone who doesn’t like candy.

4.  Holiday Shower Theme

Assign each guest with a holiday, and let them bring the resulting gifts, which will become family heirlooms for the couple: a picnic basket for the Fourth of July, a platter for the Thanksgiving turkey, Christmas ornaments or Hanukkah decorations, Champagne glasses for New Year’s Eve, etc.

5.  Beauty Shower Theme

The bridesmaid can plan and organize for a day out in a spa, indulging in massages, manicures, pedicures and facials. This is a brilliant idea to pamper the bride and themselves for the approaching wedding. The invitations can be innovative by being attached with linen hand towels or tiny bottles of bath oil.

Fascinating Diamonds will bring more bridal shower themes and ideas, exclusively for you. Have Fun. Stay Tuned.

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