Breyers New All-Vanilla Non Dairy Ice Cream🍦

By Misslatoya @LaToyaLLawrence

Over the weekend, when I was in New Hyde Park, New York I went looking to purchase a half a gallon of Breyers Non-Dairy Vanilla and Peanut butter Swirl.

To my disappointment there were not any containers of the dessert stocked at all inside of the freezer for me to take on the way home.

Instead- to my surprise- was a load of new completely Vanilla-flavored Breyers Non-Dairy gallons of ice cream located on the shelves.

Breyers finally produced an all-Vanilla dairy-free alternative frozen dessert as I had long hoped for.

Despite the pleasantness I felt after thoroughly checking the ingredient list and nutritional facts on the item I was not too satisfied.

I left the Non-Dairy Breyers in the freezer to freeze by itself.

I am still curious of how the new product taste though.