Brew Review: Los Muertos DOA IPA Hop On Or Die

Posted on the 13 January 2014 by Blake

This weeks brew review features a Tasty IPA from Los Muertos Brewing, located in always sunny Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Los Muertos brewing is a new comer to the game. They opened back in 2012 but their beer tastes as if they’ve been brewing it for years. With this brewery being from Mexico I haven’t ran across it on many occasions. So if you can get your hands on one of these beauts consider yourself lucky and you palate happy.

DOA IPA Hop On Or Die

ABV: 6.80%

Serving Type: Bottle

Appearance: Pours a very clear orange, with a huge pillow of white head that fades slowly.  Leaves a thin layer of bubbles covering the surface and a collar around the edge of the glass.

Smell: Citrus, caramel malts, pine, bready, and biscuity. Yes biscuity. Hop profile of mostly citrus contrasts with a robust caramel malt backbone. The goal here I think is balance, which is done nicely if intentional.

Taste: Has something of a hop hit mid-taste, but with an acceptably restrained, moderate bitterness in the aftertaste. Finishes dry with a touch of warming alcohol.

Drinkability: Alcohol is concealed very well, really easy to drink for an IPA.

Overall thoughts: Overall a solid IPA from our friends south of the border. Def worth a shot if you can get your hands on one. As for the label, it’s one of the best I’ve seen on a beer in a while. It escapes me though as to why, if one is already dead, would wear a helmet and goggles. Still, I dig the dude’s ride with its scoop handlebars and flaming tank.

Freshness Rating: 8.0/10

Until next time, Salud!