Brett Ratner Is Suing A Woman Who Publicly Accused Him Of Rape

Posted on the 02 November 2017 by Sumithardia

Brett Ratner Is Suing A Woman Who Publicly Accused Him Of Rape

The Los Angeles Times published a story yesterday in which six women had accused director Brett Ratner of behaving in a myriad of gross and disgusting ways toward them, both on and off set. Brett’s attorney, Marty Singer, denied every one of The Times’ accusations on behalf of his client. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Brett Ratner was actually dealing with a serious rape accusation a week before The Times’ published their piece. But Brett didn’t just deny that accusation like he denied the six that came out yesterday; he also decided to lawyer up and sue his accuser for libel.

On October 20th, a woman named Melanie Kohler went on Facebook and accused Brett Ratner of raping her 12 years ago. Melanie claimed Brett “preyed” on her when she was drunk and “forced himself” on her one night in Hollywood.

Brett responded by filing a lawsuit in Hawaii federal court yesterday denying the allegations and calling Melanie’s Facebook accusations “libel per se.” Brett’s Hawaii attorney Eric Seitz argued that Melanie’s rape accusation was “false, fabricated and fictional” and came from a place of pure maliciousness.

Brett Ratner also wants money from Melanie, although it’s not known how much he wants. His lawsuit simply states he’s seeking an unspecified amount of general specific, and punitive damages. Um, I don’t know if now is the time to go full-lawsuit here, Brett. Melanie might be lying, but she might also be telling the truth. And there are those six other accusations out there. Maybe don’t play it so greedy. Actual rats are probably like, “Even for trash-eating rodents, that kind of gives us rats a bad name, no?

Eric claims Brett Ratner has suffered emotional distress, worry, anger, and anxiety over the rape accusation, and that it has damaged his personal and professional reputation. Damaged? Maybe put a ding in the bumper. I mean, his personal and professional reputation kind of already had some self-inflicted body damage.


Source: Brett Ratner Is Suing A Woman Who Publicly Accused Him Of Rape

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