The name “beagle” may have been originated from “be’guele,” a French term referring to the baying sound of hounds when they’re hunting. The first Beagles were recorded in the 1500s used by English gentlemen as hunting packs tracking deer and rabbits. The name may also likely come from the dog’s size. The French term “beigh,” the Celtic word “beag,” or the Old English word “begele” can be the etymology of the breed’s name since all of them means “small.”
Physical wise, Beagle looks like a mini-Foxhound.
Skull – fairly long, a bit domed
Muzzle – square, straight, medium in length
Eyes – large, brown (sometimes hazel), set well apart
Ears – wide, pendant shape, low set, elongated
Nose – black, broad, full nostrils
Body – squarely-built
Feet – firm, round
Tail – set slightly high
Beagle’s coat is medium in length, sleek, hard, and easy to maintain. Colors of Beagle are typically around the line of black and tan, red and white, lemon and white, and sometimes tricolor.
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