Breed Profile: Saint Bernard

By Pawsforreaction @PawsForReaction

The Saint Bernard was once a hospice dog but is now a giant companion

Breed Profile: Saint Bernard

Photo by Pipistrula CC BY NC SA

The gentle and quiet Saint Bernard may not have had an official name until 1880 but it is now one of the most popular giant dog breeds today.
The Saint Bernard is the dog definition of the gentle giant. On average this decedent of the Mastiff weighs 110 pounds but both males and females have been known to weigh in at 200 pounds. This gigantic pet belongs to the working group of dogs and like its Bernese Mountain Dog neighbour, it has been used for draft work in the past. But the Saint Bernard is most known for its work as a search and rescue dog and has a sacred past- which is how it finally got its official name in 1880.
Breed Profile: Saint Bernard
Photo by ATIS547 CC BY NC SA
Breed Profile: Saint Bernard
Photo by hfb CC BY ND
Breed Profile: Saint Bernard
Photo by ro0ter CC BY NC SA
 Photo by murilocardoso CC BY NC SA
Photo by ATIS547 CC BY NC SA.