Breed Gallery: Boxer

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy

Referred as the middleweight athlete of the “dog kingdom,” the Boxer is a commanding dog with an aura of intelligence and a perpetual alert expression. As of the latest studies conducted by the AKC Registration Statistics, the Boxer is one of the most popular dogs in the US these days. Boxer’s love to be with his people combined with the breed’s natural guardian personality allowed these dogs to do extremely well both as couriers during war time and as seeing-eye dogs for those with sight problems. – source

(Check out Breed Spotlight: Boxer)

Boxer in photos.

Boxer originated in 19th century in Germany and was mainly used to fight with other canines as well as other large game like wild boar and bison until the time the hunter arrived.

The breed got the name “Boxer” primarily because of the dog’s stance when battling an opponent – standing up on his hind legs, appearing to “box” with his front paws.

Male Boxers are 22 to 25 inches in height and 60 to 70 pounds in weight. On the other hand, female Boxers are between 21 and 24 inches in height and around 53 to 65 pounds in weight.

Boxers are full of curiosity and normally radiate happiness. They are also known for their intelligence and their eagerness to learn and be trained.

Because of their loving personality, Boxers are recognized as dogs that get along very well with children.

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