Breakup Stress: Some Must-Read Dos And Don’ts

Posted on the 10 March 2021 by Melissa Jiggetts @jiggettsmelissa

Breaking up with a long-term partner or spouse can be very stressful. You thought that you were in love and had everything sorted. But as time went by, things changed, and disasters struck. 

In this post, we take a look at some of the dos and don’ts for dealing with breakup stress healthily. 

Do Spend Time Doing Something You Like

After a breakup, a lot of people binge on their favorite TV series in an attempt to zone out and forget about the world. But is this the best approach? 

Not according to psychologists. They say that it’s better to engage in some sort of active pursuit, such as long walks in the hills, cooking for even learning to dance. 

Doing activities that you like changes your perspective because it shows you that there’s a whole world out there, outside of your relationship. 

Don’t Allow Bad Blood Between You

Going through a breakup is bad enough. But carrying around anger inside you for years afterwards is even worse. Most divorce solicitors recommend that you remain on speaking terms with your partner. That’s because it helps the breakup process go smoothly and negates the need to go to court. 

Allowing bad blood, however, increases the stress levels and forces you to carry emotional baggage around with you. That’s the opposite of what you want when starting a new life. 

Do Give Yourself Space

When breaking up with an ex, you often need space to get your life back on track. The healthiest way to approach this is to tell the other person that’s what you’re doing, so you might not respond to their texts and calls. 

Having space allows you to think independently of the other person. It makes it easier to clarify your feelings towards them and, hopefully, move on. 

Don’t Just Go To Somebody Else To Fill The Void

It’s natural to feel lonely following a breakup. But don’t just cling to somebody else to fill the void – that’s not fair on you or them. 

Instead, try to get yourself to a place where you feel happy being single. That way, if you do get into a relationship in the future, it is much more likely to be successful. 

Do See Your Therapist

Breakups are challenging. Emotionally, they are perhaps the most extreme things we go through because of the issues they force us to confront. 

If you find that you’re struggling, then book an appointment with a therapist. They can help you work through the underlying issues and come to some sort of resolution. They can also offer you the tools, resources and treatments you need to get back to feeling like yourself again. 

Don’t Have Makeup Sex Long After A Breakup

It’s worth remembering that you broke up with a particular person for a reason. Perhaps they betrayed you. Maybe their behaviour was intolerable. 

Whatever the reason, makeup sex is generally a bad idea. It makes you trust your partner, even if you know deep down that you shouldn’t. And that could lead you to go through the whole emotional rollercoaster all over again.