Breaking Up With Einstein

By Peppertan

Today I write the saddest lines.  The boyfriend and I broke up.  I don’t know how to make sense of what just happened.  Things were okay until I felt that we had to pull the plug.

He is not a bad person, neither am I.  We’re simply not good for each other.  Our tolerance for each other’s differences has hit a low, I think.  That’s why I feel that I wouldn’t be able to stand living the rest of my life with him.

I feel I have lost somebody I care deeply about.  More than that, I feel that I have lost a part of myself.

I don’t know how to move henceforth.  I am compelled to ask him to get back together, but I don’t know if that’s exactly for the best.

What I do know is that I will steer clear of Cosmo articles on how to get over an ex, etc.  The last thing I need now is post-breakup advice along the lines of “There’s somebody out there for you”.  The only way to deal with this pain is to go through it, I guess.

I fell in love with a man whose IQ shoots through the roof.  Unfortunately, our love for each other couldn’t do the same.  The rocket was launched, but didn’t soar as high.

My heart has fallen to the ground…flat…lifeless…two-dimensional.