Breaking Emotions Blogathon – SMILES & THRILLS

Posted on the 06 December 2013 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

The third set of emotions are smiles and thrills, plenty of film scenes to pick from and hopefully I have picked some good ones that people haven’t done yet! May contain SPOILERS!

1. Mary Poppins – Lets Go Fly a Kite

Probably one of the most feel good scenes ever, which will always make you smile, sing-a-long and want to get up dancing to go and fly a kite yourself. Huge smiles all round!

2. Bridget Jones Diary – the new diary

When Bridget thinks Mark Darcy has gone for good, he shocks her with a new diary and kisses her in a way nice guys don’t normally kiss! It always brings a smile to my face, plus it’s snowing which makes it even better!

3. Three Men and a Little Lady – Wedding/End Scene

Waiting for a star to fall begins playing and they have eventually ended up together you cannot help but crack a smile at yet another feel good ending that it all worked out very well.

1. Casino Royale – free running scene

Very early on in the film and the scene after the usual Bond theme music and opening credits. It really sets the tone for the film as the new Bond is free running trying to catch someone, brilliant thrills!

2. The Dark Knight – Hong Kong building

An incredible jump (and building) from Batman to get the bad guy to take back to Gotham City, it really will have your heart racing!

3. Speed – Most of it! 

Don’t drop the speed, definitely don’t stop the bus it really is a thrilling ride from start to finish.