Breaking Bad Toys “R” Us, And By “Us” They Mean Some Other Store

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Entertainment Weekly reports that Breaking Bad star Aaron Paul has taken to Twitter to express his displeasure with Toys “R” Us pulling Breaking Bad action figures after a Florida Mom created a petition, suggesting the figures were inconsistent with “family friendly values.”

A photo in the story indicates the action figures say “Age 15+.” Paul points out in his Tweets that the chain sells other problematic items like Barbie and violent video games.

3 Questions That Arise From This Story

1. Sure, one of the action figures may include a “bag of meth” – but how does any toddler of a parent with “family friendly values” know what meth is?
If they do know what meth is, and not from using meth, kudos to them from learning chemistry from an educational show at such a young age!

2. What are “family friendly” toys for children in the 15+ range? We suspect such toys may not result in high sales or popularity in the high school yard.

3. The petition had 9,000+ signatures. The EW article has almost 9,000 Facebook interactions. So, Florida Mom, do you think your petition increased awareness and demand for the toys, especially when Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul made fun of this incident and each have over a million followers on Twitter?  We’d wager the toy manufacturer and Amazon, who presumably sells the action figures are thanking you for all the money they’re making by making it more convenient for people to buy the toys on the internet.