Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

By Johnisfit @johnisfit

I didn't mention it in my Breville Juicer Review but I am currently on a juice fast, this morning being the third day. I can't remember the last time I actually stuck to a diet plan for a day, let alone two. And so far so good for day three as I kicked the morning off with what has so far been my favorite juice.

But it was also probably the most complicated as I had to first use my juicer, and then my blender to get the finished product. Still, it was well worth the extra step.

I started by cutting up half of a cantaloupe, and about a mango and a half worth of mango. I wouldn't think to spend the time cutting up a mango to use for juicing because it is so labor intensive (at least for me!) but I have found that our local Sam's Club sells two pounds of mango slices for a pretty good price so I used their pre-cut slices. I added about a cup of fresh raspberries although I have to be honest, I'm not sure this added much to the smoothie as I hardly got any juice out of them. Still, I've included for completeness since it is what I used for this one.

Using my Breville Juicer I juiced the raspberries, the mango and the cantaloupe. This yielded about 24 ounces of fresh juice. Then I moved to the blender and added a banana, about a cup of ice and 12 ounces of the juice. Once I blended it I noticed it wasn't icy enough so added another cup or so of ice.

The result was two 12 ounce glasses of a very, very tasty fruit breakfast smoothie!

Breakfast Smoothie Recipe
(Makes four 12-ounce servings)

1/2 cantalope, rind removed
1 to 2 sliced mangoes
1 cup raspberries
2 peeled bananas
4 cups ice


Using a professional grade juicer, extract approximately 24 ounces of juice from the cantaloupe, mangoes and raspberries.

Add 12 ounces of juice to a blender, along with 1 banana and 2 cups of ice. Blend until smooth – pour into two 12-ounce glasses. Repeat, to make a total of four 12-ounce glasses of delicious breakfast smoothie.

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Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog
Breakfast Smoothie Recipe