Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner... Lisbon, Portugal!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Lisbon had afforded me a wonderful sleep after my mammoth flight from China, I awoke the next morning to bright blue skies and a cool breeze. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner were all on my mind as I left my hostel building, I knew the day would be delicious in more ways than one! Something 'Ferry Street', something 'European' and something 'Brazilian', I couldn't go wrong! 

'Cafeteria Correio Azul' had me coming back for more, that previous 'lunch spot' had transported me back to Newark's Ironbound with Ferry Street's Portuguese nature in mind! I hopped, skipped and jumped across the road from my hostel without hesitation because I wanted something uncomplicated and tasty for my breakfast! I love languages and for the next week I wanted to try and use as much Portuguese as I possibly could, I asked what 'Latte' was in the local lingo? I ordered 'um galão/one caffe latte', um tosta mista/one ham and cheese toastie' with a mysterious delicious looking 'maçã/apple' cakey thing! I didn't care that my toastie was a tad ordinary, but when you live in the Far East, anything bread based is a gamble and that toastie wasn't a mistake! I enjoyed every single bite of that toastie because it was something I had truly missed, I truly felt that choosing Europe was the right choice due to that winner of a 'Tosta Mista!' The Portuguese rate that toastie as one of their breakfast staples, I was winning! 

Kick starting my day with an alcoholic beverage I certainly did not, I would have plenty of time for shenanigans like that during my European tour! I opted for a piping hot 'Galão' because I wanted to say it like the locals, that coffee drink was smooth, strong and sweet in one taste! That coffee treat would become my go-to drink for the whole of my stay in Portugal, I wasn't playing! Now, the wildcard was the apple based tart that I chose on a whim because I knew deep down that I would be saving those 'egg custard' cravings for my trip to Lisbon's own Belém District. I loved that 'Breakfast Club' moment with the other coffee places getting ready, I knew that I had secured a head-start! Paying for my breakfast with my VISA card felt strange but my breakfast costs had been covered by one of my Aunties, that was a blessing that was used wisely. I knew that my day had been kick-started the right way, that breakfast brought me closer to those post-shift Ferry Street morning takeouts. No coxinhas were found at 'Azul's' but I got that coffee fix! 

So, the contrast between Lisbon and my life in China was blinding, hungry for more before that lunchtime hour, I walked further. I had just finished marvelling at the breath-taking views from 'Castelo de São Jorge/Saint George's Castle', my walk down from that higher viewpoint would bring up some rather ordinary yet thought-provoking thoughts. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, I was afforded the chance to think about my long term future and I had thoughts of a life nearer to the United Kingdom. I hadn't fully lost my senses because a long-term future in the U.K isn't on my radar, whatsoever! So, I had my dream high in that period of thought, I had visions of buying a property in a Mediterranean country like Spain or Portugal. With plans to rent maybe part of the house as a 'Homestay' concept. Where did that Lisbon location come into the picture? I had already clocked those winding cobbled stone alleys as I still stood within the castle grounds. You know that those 'A Place In The Sun' moments played back in real time! 

Those terracotta and burnt sienna shades attracted me, I wanted to buy a property to live out my European plan! Each step in that 'right direction' brought me back to reality in one sense but otherwise I kept that possible fantasy playing in my head! I would prefer Spain because of language but the similarities gave me a good enough picture, the price has to be right! Those Portuguese properties looked lovely from the outside, one looked like it could be a 'Grand Designs' project with a lot left to the imagination. I thanked that nourishing walk for acting like a satisfying snack because I was able to gain some perspective with a little house hunt from the outside. After finding the main street road, I was then able to visualise a life in the Med with bakeries, cafes and a relaxed pace of life but you know I considered the fact I was in a capital city for that moment. Yes, that plate of cheese and meat was another reminder with a glass or two of red made sense! Of course, Med brothers are definitely handsome! I better get saving my coin! 

I had already had a few caipirinhas since getting to Lisbon but I wanted something Brazilian to eat! 'Brazilian Concept' looked like an uncomplicated Brazilian food option for me, it was located near 'Baixia/Chiado' metro station and a seven minute walk from my hostel. That prime location and rave reviews allowed me to enjoy a plate and then make it back to my hostel to freshen up for the night ahead. I ordered the 'Feijoada' because I needed that black bean and pork fix, I had never had Feijoada when I lived in Newark, NJ amongst all of that Brazilian deliciousness! I was about to change that mishap, I wasn't ready for my full plate of food to arrive! Those Lisbon prices were crucifying my holiday budget, I was certain that I would be able to scrap those Euros together for a hearty Brazilian meal without cutting corners! Brazilian Concept tempted me, I ordered one 'Caipirinha de Limão' because I had obviously not drank enough alcohol that day? No! Oh, that Feijoada looked amazing once it had been served up on my table! Lisbon served it! 

I had rice for days, it was such a huge portion I was in complete disbelief but in food heaven at the very same time! I made my own perfect portion, the pork rinds were a surprise! Those 'scratchings' reminded me of my Black Country hometown in the West Midlands, it was like a home away from home! The salsa served was fresh and light, I ate every single bite with much gusto! The Feijoada was rich, delicious and everything I had imagined it to be, the black beans sat in a rich and flavoursome sauce, the pork pieces were a vibe, adding flavor in abundance! My whole meal was amazing, I sipped on my mixed drink with no doubt in my mind that life would eventually take me to Brazil in the future! Brazilian Concept didn't break the bank, I was able to make the cheque, I paid and left with no space left for dessert! Lisbon had fed me well, it had showed the right way and I wanted to do it all again! Suitably fueled for the night ahead of me, I made my way back to my hostel for a much needed refresh! Lisbon had served it up! Sim!

Three Hearty Meals? Yes! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure