Brazilian Senate Formally Opposes Amazon’s Application For .Amazon

Posted on the 10 October 2013 by Worldwide @thedomains

In a letter sent from the BRAZILIAN EMBASSY in Washington today to ICANN, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and National Defense of the Brazilian Senate formally opposed the application of Amazon to the new gTLD .Amazon

I would love to know the number of domain holders, brand holders and Internet based company that are located in the Amazon forest in Brazil.

I can’t image that the Amazon region is a hot bed of active internet businesses, but it appears Brazil is going to hold Amazon’s feet to the fire.

I’m not from Brazil and have never been to the Amazon, but as a guy from Brooklyn it looks pretty clear that if Amazon really wants the .Amazon gTLD they need to go make friends down there, spread the wealth, and pay the powers that be, to get those in charge to sign off.

in the meantime here is the official resolution translated into English:



Pursuant to internal regulations, I hereby request that the Federal Senate’s Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense forward to ICANN a formal statement in opposition to Amazon Inc.’s plan to register the top-level domain name “.amazon“ without the proper consent of Amazon countries.


Amazon Inc., founded in 1994 and headquartered in Seattle, WA, requested ICANN (company responsible for IP address allocation, protocol assignment and domain name for the Internet) 76 gTLDs, which means a generic top-level domain that requires not only prior authorization from ICANN but also, in some cases, consent from the countries to which it refers.

The aforementioned company intends to formally obtain the AMAZON domain, which would only be used by the company and its subsidiaries for the purpose of achieving its strategic corporate goals. This is to say that the company wishes to maintain exclusive domain over generic and subjective words that directly affect commerce elsewhere on the Internet.

In view of the foregoing, on November 15, 2012, Brazil and Peru filed an early warning with GAC/ICANN regarding the gTLD “.amazon”, with support from Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, and Argentina. This was done because the registration of such an Internet domain that refers to the natural resources and the public heritage of Amazon countries would also impose a permanent restriction on domains that refer to the Amazon and the customs of peoples in that region.

The statement also included a warning at the Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean, which was held in Montevideo, May 3-5, 2013.…