Brave Companies, New Cars and High School Students

Posted on the 15 November 2011 by Mregina @justfundraising

Well this is interesting. This fundraiser is a great example of how a school fundraising event can  benefit major international companies and schools.

Ford and Lincoln have created a Drive One 4 UR School Event that lets people test drive their cars and raises money for a schools extra curricular activities.

For every qualified person who tests drives a Ford car they will donate $20 to the school or until they reach a maximum donation of $6,000. All drivers have to be at least 18 years old with a valid drivers license.Participation numbers should be high considering the number of high school students looking for cars and wanting to drive. However if Ford is brave enough to do this, well….game on!

The company encourages you to combine this with other fundraisers ( hint, contact us ) so on the event day, as many people as possible show up. It’s a win win situation.

With the funding challenges schools and in particular their sports, band and social clubs have been having this year it’s great to see major sponsors helping out. When other businesses take notice at the amount of sales and press this generates hopefully more companies will tie in to school fundraising with their products.

For more information on how you can put on one of these events, contact Drive One 4 UR School Program Headquarters by phone at 888-908-3673 or check out their website.

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