
By Yonni @vegandthecity
I have a cold!  Or least I'm hoping it's allergies so it can't turn into the flu but I am sneezing (a lot!)  And it's raining.  And it's not drizzling, but it's raining, and I had a super busy exciting day planned!  My choices?  Curl up in a ball and stay in bed (not really a choice), do what I needed to do and whine (maybe), or makes lemons out of lemonade and make it a great day anyway.  Anyone thirsty?  Because lemonade it is!
I had an early morning meeting, and got to the city even earlier, so I grabbed a little nosh and a cup of coffee.  After the appointment I met a friend for another cup of coffee (had very little sleep) and great conversation.  From there, after a brief stint actually sitting at my desk, I met someone I work with for lunch at Brasserie on 53rd between Lexington and Park Avenues.
When I started working in midtown, nearly 4 years ago, this was my go-to place for breakfast or lunch meetings.  First of all, if you haven't been, you should know how cool a setting this long-time midtown institution is to look at alone.  The booths are separated by leaning quilted panels, tilting in the same direction as the frosted glass and metal catwalk of a staircase you walk down to enter the dining room.  Two walls are paneled in sleek wood that curves as it approaches the ceiling, lit with some funky backlighting, and one wall (the wine selection) of solid frosted glass hinting at the bottles it is only partially hiding.  Think fancy modern-chic meets Jetsons (and I mean that in a good way!)
For breakfast, I love that I can get juices, fruit, smoothies, cereals both cold and hot, tea or coffee, and it is both good and reliable.  I always like what I get, and appreciate having such a variety of vegan options.  My favorite dish though, is offered at lunch, the (Chicken) Chop Chop salad (clearly without the chicken.)  In all the lunches I've enjoyed there, I may have only deviated from this once!  It's not rocket science but it's just so good...shredded napa cabbage, seasoned wanton strips, spiced cashews and a dressing that includes what I believe are small pieces ginger.  It's so light that it's really the perfect summer lunch, but even on a grey, rainy day like today I couldn't resist.
So...if you're in Midtown, check it out if you haven't already...and by the way, I'm pretty sure they offer lemonade.  If I'm wrong, don't forget to make your own ;-) it's always the best option!