Brandenburg Gate

By Monkeys And Mountains Adventure @Laurel_Robbins

Crossing the Brandenburg Gate several times, back and forth, without fear, without document checks, without any armed guards closely observing my every move, I was eerily aware that just over 20 years ago that would have been impossible had I been living in East Berlin.

The secrets to my favorite Catalonia Wine are not so easy to replicate, which is what perhaps makes it so incredibly enjoyable.

The Easter bunny has arrived early at Viktualien Market in Munich’s where he has generously dropped off Easter handicrafts.

How Toni a midget chimpanzee captured my heart after just one day of volunteering at a chimpanzee sanctuary located near Girona, Spain.

The Knödel (dumpling in English) is a humble, yet highly revered food in Germany. Just don’t try and fit the tennis ball sized Knödel in your mouth all at once.

I’m petrified of snakes, but even I’ll admit that this is a great photo of a snake at the Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida taken by a non-blogging friend.