By Erika Brechtel @smallshopstudio

Tory Burch’s ex opens first flagship concept store in Soho

First of all, let me say I absolutely love that I heard about the C.Wonder store from a reader that took the time to email me! Because of Cindy’s email, I took a look at the C.Wonder coming soon e-commerce site, and then the C.Wonder Facebook page, and was b.l.o.w.n…a.w.a.y. The brand is seamless, from the shop interiors, to the products they sell, to the family of graphics they put out in a variety of media.


[ The logo. The custom wallpaper. The "C" mosaic tilework. OMG. ]

[ Decisions, decisions. Which side appeals to you most? ]

[ The logo again. But those stripes! ]

[ Did you notice the shape of the central niche? And the high-gloss teal accents. Oh and the gold trim. ]

[ Yes, those are indeed teapot pendant lamps....and the logo on the awning. ]

Wouldn’t you think that a store that looks like this would carry products at boutique prices? Surprisingly, C.Wonder offers a range of home goods and apparel in the $25-$200 range. And apparently, you can monogram almost anything in the store, customize the music and lighting in your dressing room, and make purchases right there from your iPhone. Very hip. Very savvy.


[ Ikat, zebra and gold, oh my. ]

This is kind of brand that graphic designers drool over. Not only is the logo simple and strong, but the supporting brand elements around the logo elevate it to the next level. It’s the perfect example of how a brand should function for you: you can create various pieces (print, electronic, interiors, environment signage) that all tell the same story while remaining true to the brand and totally unique.

For those of you in/near Manhattan, you can visit the store (lucky ducks!). For the rest of us, we’ve got to wait for the C.Wonder e-commerce site to launch. Until then, you’ll most likely find me in a pile of my own drool. ;o)

Other than that minor problem…have a great weekend everyone!

Images via the C.Wonder Facebook page