Branching Out in the Blogosphere (Part 2) – The Sunshine Award

By Emily @emily_ladau

As I mentioned in my previous post, this post will take on a much different form from my usual writing, as I’m going to follow the format of the Sunshine Award. You can check out that post to read about why I’m choosing to post on something other than disability for today! Consider it a way to learn a bit more about me and find some new blogs to read if you’re interested! And of course, I’ll be incorporating disability as much as I can!

“For the Sunshine Award, the blogger must:

  • Acknowledge the nominating blogger. (Thank you so much, Missy Homemaker!)
  • Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  • List 11 bloggers. They should be bloggers you believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love!
  • Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer & let all the bloggers know they’ve been nominated. You cannot nominate the blogger that nominated you.”

Here are 11 random facts about me:

  1. This is already on my bio page, but I’ll share it again here: I was on Sesame Street when I was 10. It really contributed to launching my passion for disability advocacy!
  2. Peacocks are my favorite animal and they’re all over my room, mainly because they’re beautiful, but also because I once took a quiz during a pre-college program on what animal best matches my personality and leadership style, and my result was “peacock.”
  3. I have a pen obsession. I love writing with nice pens, which results in me having more pens that I’ll use in my whole lifetime.
  4. I’m quite language-conscious and I’m incredibly interested in linguistics, which is why I often post about how words influence thinking in relation to disability.
  5. My to-read list is so long I usually can’t remember what’s on it. But if you have any good suggestions, I’m open to them – especially books related to disability!
  6. My favorite book when I was little was A Porcupine Named Fluffy. I liked irony before I even knew what it was.
  7. I’m fascinated by Andy Warhol’s life and art.
  8. I really enjoy seeing Broadway shows. I’ve seen at least 15 of them. I do not enjoy how inaccessible most of New York City is for wheelchair users.
  9. The color turquoise often evokes a visceral response from me because it’s so lovely.
  10. I really love chai tea. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
  11. My social security number is…just kidding!

Here are my answers to the 11 questions that were asked of me:

  1. Paper or plastic? Preferably, neither! Before my full-fledged involvement in disability advocacy initiatives, I wanted to begin an environmental club in my high school. I ran into some administrative issues, but the environment is still an important cause for me.
  2. What’s your favorite movie of all time? This is cheesy, but it’s called The Holiday. It’s an incredibly well-done romantic comedy and it never gets old.
  3. When do you begin decorating for the holidays? (whichever one you celebrate) This varies every year because Hanukkah never falls at quite the same time. This year, in honor of Thanksgivukkah (Thanksgiving and Hanukkah fall at the same time for the first time ever!) my family and I will be decorating by the middle of November!
  4. What is your earliest memory? I’m not actually sure because I think I’ve fabricated some memories based on hearing stories and looking through scrapbooks that my mother makes.
  5. Have you ever named your vehicle? No, since I don’t own a vehicle yet because I’m learning to drive, but I named my family’s GPS. Our first one was Lola. Now we have Garmina (a Garmin).
  6. What’s your favorite Fall activity? Baking, eating, crafting, or smelling anything cinnamon-y.
  7. What music genre is your favorite? I love singer-songwriters, like Sara Bareilles, Ingrid Michaelson, Stephen Kellogg, Joshua Radin, and Jon McLaughlin.
  8. What would your ideal day look like? I don’t quite know, but it would involve spending time with my parents and my boyfriend, and I’d probably eat some chocolate. Simple things make me the happiest.
  9. How do you relax? I listen to quiet music and read a book. And as I said above, I drink tea.
  10. What was the best meal you ever ate? This is way too difficult to choose. So, I’ll have to answer with my last favorite thing I ate: a spanakofrittata. A fritatta with spanakopita ingredients!
  11. What’s one thing you’d like people to know about you? In case I don’t say it enough (ha. ha.), I aspire to have a career advocating for disability rights through writing, social media, public speaking, and other forms of communication.

Here are some bloggers who inspire and entertain me, in no particular order. (I did 12 instead of 11, but there are TONS of blogs I love, so don’t feel left out! I’ll be sharing more links to other great blogs soon!) Blogs 1-8 are by bloggers I really respect that cover disability, among other topics. Blogs 9-11 are written by bloggers whose style I admire and have fun reading. All of them have written things that resonate with me. (A note to the bloggers I nominated – This is my way of saying how much I enjoy your blogs! I really hope you’ll join in and pay it forward, or at least answer the fun questions, though there’s no pressure because I do understand if it doesn’t quite fit in with your usual style of blogging. I just wanted you to know that I love what you have to say!):

  1. With a Little Moxie
  2. Spashionista
  3. My Whac-a-Mole Life
  4. Autism Answers
  5. Stiletto Wheels
  6. What Do You Do Dear?
  7. Off Balanced
  8. Momma Candy
  9. Who Am I To Stop It Blog
  10. Superfresh Babypants
  11. Can’t Google Everything
  12. Joy In the Midst of

And here are 11 questions for the nominated bloggers to answer if they choose to do so. (If you’re a reader, feel free to answer these in the comments if you want to get in on the fun!):

  1. What causes are you most passionate about?
  2. What project is on your to-do list that you keep meaning to finish?
  3. What are you having for dinner tonight?
  4. Facebook or Twitter?
  5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  6. Apple cider or hot chocolate?
  7. Favorite cake flavor?
  8. Why did you start blogging?
  9. Windows or Apple?
  10. Dogs or cats?
  11. Who would you most like to have dinner with, dead or alive?

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