Branchbob Review 2022 (Features & Pricing): Is It Worth Your Time & Money ?

Posted on the 29 March 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

You've come to the correct place if you're seeking a low-cost or free open source e-commerce platform. Technically, you could use almost any e-commerce framework, given that most of them are already reasonably priced.

The open source model, on the other hand, has received a lot of praise from users, especially considering that these online store systems are completely free, are managed and developed by a large number of people all over the world, and you can usually find a lot of documentation and blog posts to help you along the way.

branchbob is a lesser-known but nonetheless dependable e-commerce platform in this sense. A platform that offers simplicity and ease of use. There are no monthly or transaction fees to deal with. Furthermore, the tool is easy to use and understand, making it ideal for beginners.

When it comes to streamlined payment processes and page performance tools, branchbob evans excels. Faster page performance means you can give your target audience a better experience.

What is branchbob?

branchbob is a cloud-based eCommerce platform that allows users to create online stores for free and without limitations. Merchants can construct a fully functional online store that is accessible from anywhere in the world and supports several currencies, languages, and payment methods.

The system is simple to use, and there are no technical or coding abilities required to create a store. Merchants can set up a store in minutes with the help of video tutorials and live support.

They can pick from a variety of designs and tailor the shop to their specific requirements. branchbob provides marketing functions as well as directions for reaching a larger audience. The youthful team intends to upgrade its shop system on a regular basis and promises to offer fresh designs as well as a whole new store backend in the near future.

Sellers and merchants from more than 150 countries utilize branchbob. It's a free cloud-based online shop-building platform that's suitable for both novices and experts. Everything you need to start an eCommerce business is right at your fingertips, from tutorials to multilingual customer service. The firm will help you launch your internet business quickly and easily.

Features & Functionalities

branchbob allows you to construct an online retail store with a few simple features. Setting up your online store and becoming live on the internet takes only a few minutes.

The company concentrates on micro and small businesses, providing them with a simple solution for launching their online store without incurring any fees or out-of-pocket expenses. branchbob is simple to use, efficient, and ideal for small businesses.

branchbob gives you a lot of options for improving and customizing your store to meet your needs. It has all of the customization features and functionality you'll need to build and grow your company.

With branchbob, you'll have access to all of the tools you'll need to set up a professional online store. All you have to do now is gather your items and list them; branchbob will take care of the rest. It handles all of your management concerns for you. Customer service, order management, inventory management, product management, business intelligence, payment, and shipping are just a few examples.

Google Analytics is an example of an app extension. branchbob has developed apps that may be downloaded from the app store with ease. Buy Button, Staff Accounts, Google Shopping, and Pinterest are among these apps. You can also submit your logo and choose from a variety of free themes. You can also include your company's logo.

branchbob features improvements that result in a higher profit margin than a standard website. It delivers all optimization functions with the highest possible turnover. Scaling up sales is simple and effective now that you have cloud-based hosting. Users of the branchbob server have a good conversion rate as well.

branchbob's customization tools allow you to personalize the entire homepage. You have complete control over what appears on the page. You have complete freedom to add your logo. The fully customizable templates allow you to make color changes to your liking. With your online store, you can even employ matching tones for your brand and logo.

You can manage all of your customers from one place online. It also aids in the expansion of your company. You can create separate accounts for your employees as the shop owner. It also gives you the option of giving them whatever permissions you want. You can keep track of which product is the most popular.

It allows you to keep track of all orders, whether they've been dispatched, paid, or are still open. It has all of the functionality you'll need to manage your online store smoothly.

It's also possible to keep track of each order's history. You may view your order history and flow, as well as the status of your orders as they go through the delivery process.

branchbob is entirely responsible for inventory management. It keeps track of the inventory for you. It is, however, an optional function, and you must update the list after each order placed in your shop.

Email automation is another important aspect of branchbob. When a customer places an order, it generates an automatic email and sends it to them. When the website confirms and delivers an order, it also generates and sends an email. Furthermore, you have permission to create the email text for each email.

Today's world is dominated by social media marketing. To attract more targeted clients, integrating your online store to a social networking platform is required. Customers are also more likely to be updated via social media.

How much does branchbob cost?

It is completely free to use branchbob. The essential functions for running an eCommerce business are provided for free. Additional add-on features and services are available for a price from the company. The add-ons are priced separately, allowing merchants to select only the capabilities that are absolutely required for their business.

There will be no hidden fees or charges, according to the company. Its goal is to assist startups and small business owners in establishing themselves without breaking the bank or losing money.

There's also no requirement to purchase a domain. branchbob provides a free domain with the '' extension. You are also welcome to use your own domain.

10 Reasons why we like branchbob

branchbob is a simple e-commerce platform that allows users to create their own online business from the ground up. branchbob is popular among users since it is a completely free site with no hidden fees.

It's pretty easy to get started with branchbob. It does not require you to go through a lengthy procedure. As a result, no technical knowledge is required. In only a few clicks, you can have a fully functional internet store.

For your online e-commerce business, branchbob has hundreds of stunning themes. Templates are available for practically every sector, including fashion, electronics, and health. Additionally, all of the themes are totally configurable, meaning you can add your own logo or change the theme's color scheme.

You may combine branchbob's add-ons or applications with your online store in a variety of ways. Google Analytics, Google Sheets, Google Shopping, Facebook, Pinterest, and a slew of other apps are all available for download.

For your clients, branchbob provides a variety of payment methods and possibilities. You can pay using PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, Credit/Debit Cards, Cash On Delivery, Cash On Pick, invoicing, and prepayment, among other options.

In local branchbob store, you can use any of the major payment options. Don't limit yourself to credit card, invoice, cash on delivery, or cash on pickup. However, you should make advantage of all other payment options, such as PayPal and Amazon Pay. There are a lot more in store for you.

Customers can use branchbob's specialized support center to develop an online ecommerce business. Users can also learn how to set up their store with ease by watching video tutorials.

Customers can effortlessly manage their stores with branchbob. You can manage your products, inventory, orders, and customers all in one place.

In its limitless storage, branchbob looks after all of your data. As a result, you are not limited in the number of categories you can include on your website.

Even your website hosting is taken care of by branchbob. It has a number of features that meet your needs as a hosting provider. All your internet store needs are your focus on sales. Just relax and leave the rest of the technical specifics to branchbob.

branchbob has prepared all shipping solutions for you to get your stuff to your buyer quickly and easily. You can not only set your own, such as a collection price. Other shipping methods related to other zones can also be readily created.

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There are several e-commerce systems available on the internet, but none of them offer the functionality and customization of branchbob while being completely free. If you want to build an online business, branchbob is the way to go because it allows you to maximize your revenue.

It has a free plan that contains all necessary functions, it's fast, it's simple to set up, it's easy to enhance functionality and look, and it's simple to link your own domain. Their free plan is really beneficial to startups. It is fairly easy to put up a store that is visually appealing.

branchbob is an excellent option for people just starting out or on a tight budget to get their e-commerce business up and running because it is absolutely free (more features are available for a fee). So, if you're in the market for the greatest e-commerce platform, branchbob is without a doubt one of the best.