Braham Street Park, Aldgate, London

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

Braham Street Park emerged from the closing of Braham Street, formally a busy London road. The park was designed by EDCO Design London with input from Wilkinson Eyre Architects, opened to the public in 2010 and is part of the Mayor of London’s Great Outdoors programme.The park is linear in nature and connects the busy one way vehicular Leman Street and Mansell Street. The park is composed of three paved areas and two grassed areas.

Braham Street Park, Algate – Granite Edging to Grass

The grassed areas are sculpted and provide grassy banks on which to sit or play. Within the grass a number of trees are planted.

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – View Across Lawns with Hedges

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Grass Mounds with Hedge Planting

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Sculpted Grass Mounds with Trees

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Path Through Grass Mounds

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Mower Access to Lawn

At either end of the space areas paved with self binding gravel have been installed. Within this gravel surface trees have been planted.

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Trees In Gravel and Grass

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Self Binding Gravel with Trees

At the center of this park a paved open space is located. The surface is self binding gravel and a flush granite water feature is located along its eastern edge.

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Water Feature

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Central Space with Water Feature

Along the north edge of this park a long wooden bench has been installed. This provides welcome seating along the sunny edge of this space.

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Bench

Braham Street Park, Aldgate – Bench and Paths

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