Bracelet for a Good Cause

Posted on the 27 April 2013 by Thewritefuture @thewritefuture

At this moment there are world wide more slaves than ever before. At least 30 million people are victim of human trafficking and many of them sexually exploited and/or children. Cambodia is an important center of this horrendous practice and is used as a "hub" to other countries. That is such a big practice here is a horrible idea when walking around in the amazing city of Phnom Penh.

For work I'm in Cambodia right now and noticed a number of different leaflets and stickers in the hotel room warning guests to stay away from sexual abusing children. But I also noticed an poster of The Brave Collection. A wonderful initiative to create a slave-free world by providing exploited women new opportunities by teaching them sewing and metal smith techniques.

The bracelets are stunning and the cause even better. I think I can't leave this wonderful country without one!