So this is the seventh year I have counted the number of plants in flower on Boxing Day. It’s an interesting exercise and makes you really look at the garden to spot any flowers. This year the snowdrops seem to be ahead of themselves. Galanthus Mrs McNamara (above) is already in flower, with Galanthus Ding Dong and Galanthus plicatus ‘Colossus’ coming up quickly behind.
There are two Viburnums in flower; the Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’ and the Viburnum rhytidophyllum
Other shrubs in flower which I overlooked photographing are:
Grevillea victoriae
Mahonia ‘Media Charity’
Jasminum nudi-florum
and this Abutilon, whose name I have forgotten (as usual).
The first hellebore is in flower, last year they were only just in bud.
Conversely there is only one primrose in flower, where as last year there were numerous primroses and primulas in flower.
Another small delight is this little cyclamen, a new addition under a shrub. I choose the white flowers over pink ones as I wanted something to lighten the spot.
Finally, is the delightful pot of violets which lives on the patio table. They have been flowering for weeks, only closing their petals when it snowed.
In total there is one more plant in flower this year, 13, to last year which remains low compared to 2015 when there were 35 plants in flower. I suspect some of this might be because of my leanings more towards foliage plants other flowers.
For previous years counts follow the links below:
Boxing Day 2016
Boxing Day 2015
Boxing Day 2014
Boxing Day 2013
Boxing Day 2012
Boxing Day 2011