Bout of Books- Day 6 Round-up

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Hia readers!

How is it the last day tomorrow?! Have a look at it all at ‘Bout Of Books’

Here are my goals…

  1. Catch up to my goodreads reading challenge goal (Done)
  2. Finish my two current reads (Done!)
  3. Read my next book group read (started)
  4. Participate in instagram and twitter/daily challenges every day.

…I might manage to finish ‘Liar’ tomorrow

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#Books I am looking forward to reading. #Lucky is one a friend got me because it is a favourite of hers. I've read #thelovelybones which I liked well enough but didn't really get the hype. #TheLanguageofKindness I'm looking forward to because I've read lots of medical memoirs but none by nurses Non a great photo today. I forgot to take it and my phone was dead which meant I had few options of where to take it! #bob26igphoto #readathon #boutofbooks #bookstagram

A post shared by Lucybird's Book Blog (@lucybirdbookblog) on Aug 24, 2019 at 4:12pm PDT

I’ve not done so much reading today, I’ve been spending it with my family, but I got some of ‘Liar’ read and am not just over a third through. I’m spending tomorrow with my family too, so it’s not that likely I will finish it, but I’m ok with that.

Today’s daily challenge…

Was to post a review, which I didn’t do because of busy-ness. I plan to get a few reviews written/posted/scheduled next week though, you are always welcome
Are you joining in with Bout of Books? How are you doing?