Bosco Verticale: Two Green Giants in the Heart of Milano

By Artborghi @artborghi

Bosco verticale are a couple of skyscrapers recently built in Milano, Italy. “Bosco verticale” means “vertical wood”: it is a concept of urban garden recalling that of Babylon hanging gardens .  Each tree was placed on each terrace with the crane visible on the building roof. The area the towers are placed, Porta Nuova, is still under construction.

Present and future


At the feet of the giants

Border lands


Staying on the shoulders of giants

If you pass by Milano, step out in Porta Garibaldi or Gioia underground station and pay a visit to the two giants.

Filed under: artborghi reportage, conceptual photography, photography of green Tagged: bosco verticale, milano skyscrapers, photographic tour, porta nuova bosco verticale