Boris Johnson Outlines UK Reopening Guidelines

Posted on the 29 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

While personal distancing remains on the cards, business, school and socialization should slowly resume, he said, outlining new reopening guidelines on how and where to resume social contact.

Up to six people will be allowed to meet outside "as long as they respect the rules of social distancing", in gardens and other private outdoor spaces, he said.

"At the moment, as you know, people can meet in parks but not in private gardens - it was a prudent first step - but we know there is no difference in the risk for health, "he added.

However, people from different households should still not meet inside homes. From Monday, they will be allowed to meet outside, he said, "provided that those from different households continue to strictly adhere to the rules of social distancing by staying two meters from each other. 'other".

To the relief of many British parents, the schools will reopen to more children, starting with nurseries, preschool, kindergarten and some classes in elementary schools.

"The closure of schools has deprived children of their education and, as often, it is the most disadvantaged students who are at risk of being hit the hardest," said Johnson.

"On Monday, we will begin to correct this problem in a safe way by reopening nurseries and other childcare and first-year, first and sixth years in primary schools. Fifteen days later, on June 15, secondary schools will start to provide face-to-face contact time for years 10 and 12, "he added.

And the open air markets "where social distancing is easier" and car showrooms can now open. The restrictions will be relaxed from June 15, when retail and non-essential stores can open, as Britain "begins to restart its economy," Johnson said.

The easing of the foreclosure rules comes after the UK mortality rate has dropped steadily. From a peak of 943 deaths on April 14, the United Kingdom announced 256 coronavirus-related deaths on Thursday - a significant but decreasing toll.

In his speech, Johnson thanked citizens for respecting the guidelines for social distancing when the pandemic was at its peak in the UK, and stressed the need for the virus to remain under control.

"I cannot and will not lose all the gains we have made together and the changes we are making are therefore limited and prudent," he said.

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