Bored? Here Are Some Ideas to Keep You Occupied!

By Evette Garside @evette77

2020 was a difficult year. Now that we're entering a second year with the presence of coronavirus and Covid-19 across the world, you may be feeling a little gloomy. Many of us have grown particularly bored of spending most of our days indoors and not being able to do the things we might have in the past. But this doesn't mean that you simply have to settle for boredom. In fact, there are plenty of activities that you could try out that could keep you occupied and entertained for hours on end. Here are a few that you could try out in upcoming months!

Pursue a Hobby

Hobbies really can help you to occupy your time during a lockdown. They can provide you with entertainment. They can see you get to do something you genuinely enjoy and are genuinely invested in. They can also help you to develop some pretty impressive skills that can help you elsewhere in your life. If you have kids, chances are you've encouraged them to pick up hobbies, as they're good for them. So why wouldn't you try some out yourself? This is particularly true if you've found yourself in a position where you have spare time on your hands and have been released from the hectic routine of commuting, working and sticking to social schedules. Here are some suggestions you might enjoy!

Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts may well be a broad topic, but it contains many hobbies that many people really love and really occupy their time with. The field of arts and crafts comes with the scope of being whatever you want it to be. Some are straightforward and you can do whatever you please. Others require skill and craft - something you can learn through watching tutorials and videos online. You could try knitting. You could try quilt making. You could try painting. You could try embroidery. You could try mosaics. You could try anything you please. Just make sure to invest in some essentials, like knitting needles or glue guns from Glue Guns Direct and you should get off to a flying start! If you don't like something, give it a miss and try something else. You're bound to find the craft for you eventually.


Baking has proven to be another popular hobby that can be carried out entirely indoors. Of course, what you want to bake will depend on your own individual tastes. Cookies, biscuits, flapjacks, sponges and more - the world of baking is your oyster. Again, you may need some basic equipment to get started. Baking tins, greaseproof paper and standard ingredients. But as you gain these items, you'll quickly become able to make more and more baked goods! Just follow some recipes and give it a try!

Set Up Your Own Business

It's absolutely fine to have your hobby and keep it as a hobby - something that is stress free and just for fun without any pressure attached. But if you find you're particularly talented at one of your hobbies, you may want to consider making some money from it. This is where starting your own business could come into play. Not only will it keep you occupied doing something yuo enjoy, but you can make some money and gain a little financial security out of it too! This is particularly beneficial in times when many of us are unable to work, have been made redundant, or are operating on lower salaries or fewer working hours. Take baking, for example. Perhaps you practice baking through lockdown and realise that you actually make pretty impressive cupcakes. If others show interest in buying them, you could then go on to start taking small numbers of orders and sending them out to customers. As you gain more money, you can invest more, coming up with a website, branded packaging and more. You never know, this could be the start of an entirely new career path for you!

Sure, times are still quite difficult. But they're getting better and there's an end in sight with the establishment of vaccines. So, hopefully, we won't be living this way for too much longer! Until then, it's important that you keep yourself positive and occupied. Hopefully, some of the above ideas will appeal to you and help you to achieve this goal. Some are simpler to try out than others. But they will all serve to give you some entertainment and hope!