Boots to Believe In: Yuketen Maine Guide Strap Boot

By Dynelle Skinner @shoeography

Yuketen Maine Guide Strap boot in Dark Natural
Who says you need color to make a statement?  Yuketen's Maine Guide Strap Boot makes a statement both visually and intrinsically.  By layering different leathers finishes together with decorative novelty hand stitching, this boot becomes a layered conversation piece for the feet.  The statement furthers by Yuketen still upholding their creed of all materials and production being a 'North American thing' with all their shoes made in the US with skins from the US and Canada.  I like these boots since they are a perfect complement to layer with objects of clothing with color without the need to get very 'matchy' and they look cool with this coming season's heritage inspired slim khakis and trim hunting/camo shorts.  Available now at