Boots and Hearts 2016 Playlist

By Phjoshua @thereviewsarein

Entertainment, 2016, Aaron Pritchett, Alan Doyle, Autumn Hill, Blake Shelton, Boots & Hearts, Boots and Hearts, Brea Lawrenson, Cam, Chase Bryant, Chase Rice, Cory Marquardt, David James, Dean Brody, Diamond Rio, Dierks Bentley, Emerson Drive, Jake Owen, James Barker Band, Jason Benoit, Jason Blaine, Johnson Crook, Jojo Mason, Jordan McIntosh, Kaitlin Kozell, Lindsay Broughton, Lindsay Ell, MacArthur Clark, Madeline Merlo, Meghan Patrick, Playlist, Raquel Cole, River Town Saints, Sam Hunt, Tebey, The Dungarees, The Reklaws, Tim Hicks, Tim McGraw Music

We've put together our Boots and Hearts 2016 Spotify playlist for your listening pleasure.

With over thirty artists on the #BH5 lineup (we've included the emerging artists who were on Spotify), we've got you covered for just over six hours!

There are a couple of artists who, are not on Spotify, we've listed them separately and we're sure you're going to like them, so make sure you scroll through the post.

If you haven't got your tickets yet, here's the link and we'll see you there!

Did we miss your favourite track? Let us know and we'll add it!