Bookshy is 4!!!!

By Bookshy @bookshybooks
I still can't believe it, but it's been 4 years - 4 amazing years of blogging about African books and literature, of learning about African books and literature, of obsessing over African books and literature, of sharing my journey with other lovers of African books and literature. 

bookshy turned 4 over the weekend, but I've been drowning in crazy major deadlines at work that I wasn't able to put up a celebratory post on the day. I did, however, treat myself to cupcakes (one cookies and cream and one coconut) from Lola's Cupcakes. My family say I'm obsessed with them, but in the words of Donna and Tom

... and so I did! 

4 years ago when I wrote my first post, I had no idea what to expect, but it has honestly been an incredible journey and I have loved every single second of it.  This is my short and sweet post to say thank you so much for all the love and support my blog gets. For still coming through - even though I know my posting has been quite erratic of late - for reading, following, tweeting, liking my facebook page, sharing, commenting and more. I can't say enough how much I have truly enjoyed the last four years, and how much I am looking forward to the next year - and as a way to say thank you for all the mad love and support, I will be doing a book giveaway. More details tomorrow, but here's a clue - it's something for the kids!!!!!