Book Sharing Monday:Millie's Marvellous Hat

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns

We have just came across this wonderful book  at the library. This is a heart warming and uplifting story.Milly loves hats, but she has no money and she can't afford to buy any of the lovely hats in town. But the man in the hat shop has an idea. He gives her a box a box but with the most perfect shape and color imaginable, if Milly dares to imagine. Soon she can not only see her own beautiful hat, but everyone else's hats as well.  I LOVE the emphasis given on the imagination and how it gives the message that everything is possible
I will definitely look up the other books of  Satoshi Kitamura.
Both the kids love this book.
What have you been reading recently? I'd love for you to share it.