What Casts the Shadow? (The Edge of the Known Book 1) By Seth Mullins belongs to Literature & Fiction, Metaphysical genres. If you like these genres, you can’t afford to miss reading it. The book is about a young disturbed rock musician, a spiritual mentor and belonging to the group of generation who are craving for someone to emerge and show a concrete path to follow. Seth Mullins has written this book that makes you think deep inside, introspect within and help you try finding out the truth within. The story emerges as a connecting agent between deep secrets of reality and our souls; and in turn tries to find out a way to fill the gap between the two.
What Casts the Shadow? (The Edge of the Known Book 1) By Seth Mullins touches some harsh realities of life by way of Brandon Chane. Brandon’s confidence has been shattered through the insulting behavior of his father who always questioned his worth. And that caused a major slippage in his nature from a normal path, converting into a somewhat violent person. A conflict arose in his personality that always questioned the two kind of personalities developed within – one personality that of a musician that his heart always starved for, and another of a violent person. Overall an interesting read.