Book Review: “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide”

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

I read literally hundreds of books a year. My preferred technique is to read them for free from the library first, and then if the book is truly excellent, I buy a copy for myself. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide” by Wayne Allyn Root is a book I intend to buy ASAP.

“The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide” is actually three books in one. The first section lays out, in extraordinary fashion, the current mess our country. Lest anyone cry, “Conspiracy theory,” everything is documented, footnoted, and sourced.

I knew things were bad economically under aka Obama, but I had no idea just how bad until I read this book. However, Root throws out a ray of hope: more millionaires were made during the previous Great Depression than at any other time in our country’s history. Which leads to the book’s second section, in which he details specific strategies that Americans can use not only to survive our current depression, but actually thrive.

Root discusses the importance of gold and silver, becoming your own boss, investing in your children, escaping high tax states (New York, California, etc.) and moving to zero or low-tax states (Nevada, Texas, Florida, Wyoming, Alaska, etc.), and much more.

There’s an entire chapter on Texas (Did you know that from the year 2000 to 2010, more than half a million people moved from California to Texas, and that more jobs were created in Texas in the past decade than in the other 49 states combined?), and an entire chapter on Detroit (The most dangerous city in America. Of course, it’s been under complete Democratic control for over forty years).

The final third of Root’s book contains advice from successful Americans, many, perhaps all, millionaires, who provide their own advice on how to protect your wallet and thrive during our current depression.

This is a book you’ll want to read, re-read, and then recommend to friends. It’s an important book, not only well written and entertaining, but filled with useful and inspiring information. If every American, or even just 10% of America’s population read this book, our problems would soon be over. If you have children 12-years-old or older, I highly recommend giving them this book and discussing it with them. It may be one of the best things you ever do for them.

“The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide” by Wayne Allyn Root is a must-read.