Title: The Titan’s Curse [Percy Jackson and the Olympians 3]
Author: Rick Riordan
Genre: Fantasy, Middle Grade, Mythology
Length: 320
Rating: 4 Star
Series Review: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5
But when you’re the son of a Greek god, it happens. And now my friend Annabeth is missing, a goddess is in chains and only five half-blood heroes can join the quest to defeat the doomsday monster.
Oh, and guess what? The Oracle has predicted that not all of us will survive…
Wow. I am getting so into this series.
With each book I find that someone else is in trouble and it highlights different characters in the series. In this one Annabeth and Artemis the Goddess of the Hunt and Moon are missing and are in grave danger. Percy and his new group of people must go and save them in a very short amount of time. Zoe, second in command of Artemis’ Huntresses who is just awesome, Thalia daughter of Zues, and new demi god Bianca di Angelo are the ones to go along. We meet Bianca and her brother Nico at the beginning of the book when they get rescued.
The characters are just as likeable in this book but I actually felt more of connection to them this time. Though I get why some people don’t want to believe that Luke is a bad guy and I can feel for them for that, I kind of want to slap them and tell the to wake up and smell the Kronos. That being said I think Percy comes off as a butt head with his hatred of Luke, which is also understandable what with all the attempts at murder and all.
This is kind of spoilery so if you don’t want to risk it move onto the next paragraph. Thalia’s choice at the end of the book really annoyed me. She was so sure of herself like the whole book and then her choice just seemed like a bit of a cop out because she didn’t want that responsibility. Also, even though I guessed who Bianca and Nico’s godly parent was earlier, I didn’t care. I was so bloody excited to be proven right. Very big YAY moment. Things are about the get really interesting.
And people actually died in this one! I really didn’t think it was ever going to happen but it did, and it happened to probably one of the worst (in the sense that their death could cause serious issues) people. I was freaking out. There was also a death that didn’t have such issues, it was just sad. As if I needed a reason to like the stars more.
The ending of this book. Oh my gods the ending. The more we go into the series the more the plot quickens and thickens it just gets so much better.
If you even remotely liked the first two books I suggest that you read this one. They really do get better and who wouldn’t like the writing style?
Till Next Time…