Book Review: Soul on the Run by Robin Korth

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

Soul on the Run by Robin Korth
Published by Balboa Press on 2014-02
Genres: Body, Mind & Spirit, General, Inspirational, Religion, Spirituality
Pages: 196
Format: eBook

Soul on the Run is the gut-wrenchingly honest portrayal of one woman's search for herself, and her refusal to continue playing the game of "let's pretend everything is okay." What's more, it reminds us-when we are honest with ourselves-that we can start life over at any age. Korth's words are pithy and raw, sometimes almost brutal, and often just plain funny.

When I first saw the book, Soul on the Run by Robin Korth, I thought it was a book about running and how someone got inspired to run. Of course, that's probably because my runner's mind is programmed to think "run, run, run."

Once I downloaded the book onto the Kindle app on my iPad, I started reading the Soul on the Run and quickly received confirmation that my preconceived idea was totally incorrect. In fact, "on the run" was clearly a figurative expression as it pertained to this book!

To provide a bit of background about me - let me tell you that a friend once called me very "black and white". Maybe it's because I'm a realist, maybe it's because I've worked for lawyers over 30 years, I'm not sure, but I tend to have a hard time finding what I used to call the "gray area". This same friend told me "gray" isn't the correct word there, and the space between "black and white" is the panoramic view that I am missing. So okay, I sometimes have a hard time seeing the "panoramic view" of things.

In keeping with my personality, when I pick up a book to read, I always start at the beginning, read through the middle, and go on to the end. Well guess what, people? That "rule" does not have to apply to this book. Soul on the Run is more fashioned after someone's private journal - an entry of notes, sayings, poems, concepts, thoughts, ideas - that are seeking, fixing, learning, discovering, changing, not changing, accepting - well, you get it - discoveries.

Soul on the Run is a book of self-discovery and of growth. Ms. Korth shares her story - a story of coming from a dark and damaged path to finding hope and light in life. Don't expect this book to sugarcoat everyday struggles - she makes that clear right from the beginning. Ms. Korth sets the tone for the book right in its introduction. Ms. Korth has opened up her heart and let us see all of the contents and she challenges us to do the same with ours.

I caught myself opening it to pages way past where I was reading just to see what Ms. Korth had written on that page, and then zooming back to the front area and reading another separate page. I would read a page or two and then close the book up. I'd go about my regular daily business and find myself thinking about what I had read and feeling it in my heart.

I can see that Soul on the Run is going to be a book that I will be keeping around for quite some time so that I can enjoy the pages each day as I interpret and apply them to my life depending on where I am emotionally, or maybe I'll just random openings of the book as a daily surprise.

I found the following entry that I really liked, so I'm sharing it with you so you see what I'm talking about when I try to explain the book:

"My body is the 'delivery system' of my soul. If I am abusing this beautiful gift or simply not taking care of it, something is 'out of sync' within me. I don't love or like myself enough to honor and respect this powerful and glorious machine that allows me to experience and share myself with the world around me.

And for me, this 'out of sync' was a wounding to my soul that began in the earliest years of my life. It has taken enormous courage, deep honesty and continued willingness to tear away my denial and go on the journey to consciously and bravely heal these wounds one day-one tear, one cry of understanding and self-loving truth-at a time."

Ms. Korth's website talks about an app called "Robin in Your Face" that consists of motivational and thought-provoking, life-changing thoughts/audio recordings. This app is available in two versions on GooglePlay and on the Apple AppStore, the "lite" version is free and I think the full version is only 99 cents!

You can also catch Ms. Korth on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ along with a few other social media sites.

I agreed to receive an electronic version of this book at no cost from NetGalley in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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