Sixteen Kisses is a short read by Kelly Oram. It’s a sweet story of Cassie who was just complaining about turning sixteen without haven’t been kissed yet. But on the day of her birthday, she was surprised with not just one kiss, but SIXTEEN kisses! This sweet story reminds me of my first love and feeling all the butterflies. Highly recommended!
Published June 21st 2016 by Bluefields
Genre: Young Adult, Romance, Contemporary
69 pages
Format: eBook
Source: Received for free when subscribed from author’s mailing list
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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All Cassie Caldwell wants for her sixteenth birthday is to finally be kissed. When Cassie’s older brother and his best friend—the lovable, sexy cowboy, Jared—discover her secret, Jared takes it upon himself to make sure her birthday wish comes true.
This novella, Sixteen Kisses is exactly the reason why I love YA romance!
Sixteen Kisses, is about Cassie, who is complaining about turning 16 the next day without even experiencing her first kiss. She’s been complaining about it with her bff Selena when Jared, her big brother’s best friend came in and Selena being Selena told Jared about Cassie’s so-called “problem”. Once the two of them we’re alone in the room (because apparently, Selena and her brother Ben we’re playing “come and get me”) Jared offered to be her first kiss. And that’s the first time she felt something about him. All this time, she only saw Jared as her brother’s best friend and now, she felt different. But instead of accepting his offer, she refused because she doesn’t want to get a “pity” kiss from him, she wanted to receive it from someone who really wants to kiss her. So the next day, Jared made her wear a “Kiss me it’s my birthday” shirt and created a plan, thus explains the title of this novela, Sixteen Kisses.
This story is just a very short read but my! I. Really. Love. It. I’m not sure if I could relate though because I don’t really care if I turn fifty without experiencing my first kiss, I’m an old soul, haha. But ofcourse I do understand that some see it as a complex that they need to fix, ASAP, so I’m not really judging anyone.
I actually like the idea even though kissing 16 random people is quite gross when you think about it, but my! It was kind of hot and I really enjoyed reading each kissing scenes, haha. And the hottest kiss for me was the 16th, *wink. And speaking of kiss, I have to comment about these guys who kissed her. It’s just that, most of them we’re her friends (90% of her friends we’re guys). Close friends to be exact. Wouldn’t it be a bit weird and awkward? But well, in this story, they’re obviously not because they’re practically fighting who should kiss her lol. It’s funny considering that Jared only dared one person to kiss her and now, looks like the entire school knows about her sixteen kisses lol.
It was actually a bit cliché when you think about it, but most stories are nowadays eh? But what’s great about Kelly Oram is that she writes it so good that you have no other choice but to overlook the cliché plot because you’ll ended up loving the whole story. Besides, I love “her brother’s best friend turned her lover” romance, *wink. Plus, I love the main characters. Both of them were very likeable and seeing that it’s only a short story, there’s not enough time to introduce them thoroughly but I still feel like I know both of them so well. Also, the side characters we’re sooooooo funny that thinking about them now, I still have this stupid grin in my face.
This was my first novella from Kelly Oram but just like her other books that I’ve read before, I still ended up really entertained. Ofcourse I still prefer her longer books but I have to say that this one did its purpose and send me to squealing paradise where all I did was squeal and laugh at the same time like a crazy gorilla. Well, you can never expect less from Kelly, that’s for sure, *wink.
So if you’re looking for a very short read that will still entertain, then Sixteen Kisses is a perfect choice.
Favorite Lines
I needed a bunch of guys to give you meaningless kisses so that you’d be able to recognize a real kiss when I finally gave you one. Actually, I did fall. I fell head over heels. This was my sixteenth kiss, on my sixteenth birthday, by the sixteenth different guy – forgive me, person – yet it was really my first kiss, by the first guy that really mattered. This was my first real kiss. And it was everything I’d ever dreamed of.Challenges
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