Book Review : Shades of Life - Colors

By Cifarshayar @cifarshayar
Shades of Life - Colors is an anthology edited by Saravana Kumar Murugan and published by Shades Publication. It has total of 38 poems and stories by 38 writers and poets depicting different shades of life. My story 'The Unanswered Letters' (page no.141) is also part of the book but my involvement with the book will not in anyway influence my work as the reviewer of this book.

Cover: Colorful cover suits the title of the book. Presence of butterflies reminds you of life cycle associated with it from larvae to cocoon to butterfly thus implies shades of life. Full marks to the cover, it ignite your interest for the book.
Content: The book contains stories and poems from different writers and poets which are not arranged in any particular manner. Compiler has tried to put as many shades of life as possible through these collections of poems and stories. You can experience many shades of life in the pages of this book from dark shades to light shades to colorful shades which means their is sadness,happiness,calmness,joyous and different kind of other moments to touch the chords of your heart. These stories and poems travels different destinations,emotions and surroundings.
Highs: Most of the stories selected for the anthology are simple and somewhere near to the real life. Poems are also easy to understand and not the kind which passes above your head. Different writers have different narrative style which enhances reader's reading experience. You will surely like to read these mix of poems and stories in a single book.
Lows: I think the book is lengthy, there should be less stories and poems in it. I also found many stories just plain instances without any twists and turns, as the number of such stories increased my interest for the book decreased. I also feel the lack of theme in story selection. Many stories depict similar shades of life.
Verdict: Nice leisurely read but not a kind to relieve you from boredom.
Rating: I would give it 2.5/5

The book is available on