Book Review & Scavenger Hunt: One Breath Away

By Anovelsource @thenovellife

OOOOOO I’m so excited to be participating in my first book review tour scavenger hunt!!!

Click on this link to find more clues and follow the tour.

From One Breath Away

My grandfather tells us this isn’t going to happen. My mother is far from being able to come home from the hospital. My mom will be in Arizona until she is out of the hospital and well enough to get on a plane and come here …

Interview with Heather Gudenkauf

Q. What do you draw from to write the emotionally charged scenes in your books?

A. As I write I try to imagine what each character is thinking and feeling and I find myself getting caught up in the drama and emotion of the story. Thankfully, my dog Maxine, is always around to lighten the mood.

Q. Which character in One Breath Away do you identify with the most?

A. I’d have to say that I relate most to Mrs. Oliver since she is a teacher. I do feel a kinship to each of the women in the novel because  all are mothers. Though they are completely different characters with different personalities and experiences, they are all mothers and want what’s best for their children.

Q. If you could do it all over again, would you change anything about One Breath Away?

A. Once I finish a novel I am already moving on to the next project.  I don’t spend a lot of time looking backward, but learn something new about myself as a writer with each novel.

Q. What is your favorite part of the writing process?

A. I love developing the characters in my novels. I get out my trusty notebook and begin to jot down these thoughts and gradually the character appears upon the pages  ~ physical descriptions,  histories, likes and dislikes, hopes and fears. I live with the characters for so long while I’m writing, and sometimes my hands hover over the keyboard and I have to decide which direction to take them, it’s not necessarily the outcome I envisioned, but it’s always an adventure.

Q. What is your least favorite part of the writing process?

A. I truly love every aspect of the writing process, but even so I get stuck once in a while and wonder if I’ve written myself into a corner that I won’t be able to escape from. When this happens, I go for a walk or eat a little bit (or a lot) of  chocolate and all is well again.