Book Review: Sacred Space by Dr. John Duncan

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

Sacred Space: The Art of Sacred Silence, Sacred Speech, and The Sacred Ear in the Echo of the Still Small Voice of God on NOv. 20, 2014
Pages: 163
Format: Paperback
When life gets overwhelming, Sacred Space heals the heart. Modern lives are filled with gadgets, apps and advice to help us save money, save time, save room. But what will save us all?

John D. Duncan has the answer in his newest book, Sacred Space: The Art of Sacred Silence, Sacred Speech, and The Sacred Ear in the Echo of the Still Small Voice of God, from Austin Brothers Publishing.

Sacred Space is for those who feel bottle-necked, overloaded, other words, all of us. If your soul has been damaged by an overpacked schedule and too many things that pushed aside time for the sacred, and an over-hyped consumer church that marginalized the sacred (Christ, the cross and the resurrection) you will find help on these pages.

"We need to slow down and make room for sacred space to renew our vision for life and our enthusiasm for living for Christ," Duncan says. "An injured soul can only find renewal when time given to the sacred opens minds and hearts to the joy of Christ. Be still, and know that He is God."

John Duncan is a pastor, preacher, writer and an adjunct professor at Baylor University. He preaches God's Word, emphasizing the biblical text and providing keen insight into living out one's faith in the 21st century. After 20 years as senior pastor of Lakeside Baptist Church in Granbury, TX, he served as senior pastor at First Baptist Church Georgetown from 2007-2013. He now serves as interim pastor at First Baptist Church San Marcos. Dr. Duncan earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the United Kingdom Open University in Cambridge, England. His previous degrees include a D. Min. and an M. Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a B.A. from Howard Payne University.

A snippet from me:

The very devices, gadgets, apps and other distractions that keep me from having that important and sacred time with God is often what keeps my blog going. Another factor is that social media is entertaining and draws me away from the pressures of my day to day life. I needed to be reminded that those very things draw me away from God. This book is a good reminder that I need to power down and new my life through Christ.

Dr. Duncan shows us his three-part formula for achieving this process. My favorite was the second part, where he points out that "stress, the mind, and the tongue can combine to form a lethal combination: chaos." Isn't that a fact I've had to learn the hard way!

The concept of carving out specific time and space for reflection with God is what we all need and crave. I appreciated the fact that the author, John Duncan, was upfront and honest about his personal struggles. I also appreciated the vulnerability he shows in his own life. This book is very timely for me and for society at large.

For more information, visit his website --> HERE.

I received this book from Ascot Media Group, Inc. without cost in exchange for my honest review and unbiased opinion,

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