Book Review: Outpost

By Bameskaur Pabla @bameslive
Outpost by Ann Aguirre
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Outpost is the continuation of Ann Aguirre's very exciting dystopian novel, Enclave. It is the second book in the Razorland series. Outlpost is set in the town of Salvation.

When Deuce was part of College, she was an adult and a Huntress. The community in which she lived saw men and women as equals -- everyone had a responsibility within the roles that were assigned to them. Deuce was part of the Hunters that provided the meat for College, as well as helped to protect it from the Freaks.

In Salvation, where life is much easier that it was in the tunnels, Deuce is having a difficult time adjusting. Women were not supposed to wear trousers or have weapons. Women were not supposed to be training unless it was learning to sew, cook and other things that were considered by the folks of the town as "women's work."

To find something to do, Deuce decided to volunteer for the summer patrols. Being part of that involved protecting the planters of Salvation as they planted and cared for the fields from the Freaks. After proving herself to be a good fighter, she gets the nod to join the patrols.

The Freaks have been getting bolder, more cunning and much smarter. The patrols have been attacked more than once. They have also grown in number. The Freaks have even stolen fire from the patrol's camp without anyone noticing anything.

Fade had been captured and in the process of trying to find him, Deuce and some other members of the patrol find a large group of Freaks. They have learned to use fire and have kept human captives in cages.

Salvation had to be warned. In order to have enough food, the planters needed to harvest what they could as quickly as possible. But during the harvest, they were attacked. Freaks have surrounded Salvation. It is only a matter of time before the Freaks go on the attack.

To complicate matters, some of the women of Salvation begin to talk that all the trouble started when Deuce came to them. Talk is that Salvation is being punished because Deuce acts like she is a man. Tensions are high and in order to prevent any bloodshed within the town, Deuce and her companions have been asked to go to other settlements to ask for help.

Outpost is as exciting as its predecessor. It is full of action and adventure. I can't wait for the next book in the series.

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