BOOK REVIEW: Nightmare in Savannah by Lela Gwenn

By Berniegourley @berniegourley Page

Out: November 9, 2021

Like New Orleans, Savannah is one of the few American cities that can pull off Old World occult-centered stories in a way that is on par with Prague or Budapest. While this is a fine story, I was underwhelmed at the degree to which it harnessed the promise of that setting. Mostly, the story plays out as teenage drama that could take place anywhere in America, with the novel addition of fairies [as opposed to the overplayed vampires or zombies.] I will say the book does a better job of getting mileage out of Fairy folklore than it does out of Savannah's spook factor. These are not Peter Pan's Fairies.

If you are looking for something akin to "Mean Girls" with less comedy, more angst, and a supernatural element, this book is definitely worth checking out. However, if the title "Nightmare in Savannah" has you expecting a deeply disturbing work of gothic horror, this is probably not the one for you.

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